Spherical Bessel Transform.
The code is adapted from PySBT. It is not differentiable.
PySBT can be found: QijingZheng/pySBT.git
- jrystal.sbt.batched_sbt(r_grid: Float[Array, 'ngrid'], f_grid: Float[Array, 'nbatch ngrid'], l: int | List[int], kmax: float = 100, norm: bool = False) Tuple [source]#
batched spherical bessel transform for multiple functions.
sbt: g(k) = int_0^infty f(r) j_l(r) r^2 dr
- Parameters:
r_grid (Float[Array, "ngrid"]) – the r grid corresponding to the function.
f_grid (Float[Array, "nbatch ngrid"]) – a batch of the function values.
l (Union[int, List[int]]) – Angular momentum. If l is a list, the length must be the same as the number of batches.
kmax (float, optional) – Maximum k value. Defaults to 100.
norm (bool, optional) – Whether to normalize the output. Defaults to False.
- Returns:
A tuple of (k_grid, batched_transformed_f_grid). k_grid is a 1d-array, and batched_transformed_f_grid is BxN shaped, where B is the number of batches and N is the number of grid point.
- Return type:
- class jrystal.sbt.pyNumSBT(rr, kmax: float = 500, lmax: int = 10)[source]#
Numerically perform spherical Bessel transform (SBT) in \(O(Nln(N))\) time based on the algorithm proposed by J. Talman.
Talman, J. Computer Physics Communications 2009, 180, 332-338.
For a function “f(r)” defined numerically on a LOGARITHMIC radial grid “r”, the SBT for the function gives
\[g(k) = \sqrt{2\over\pi} \int_0^\infty j_l(kr) f(r) r^2 dr (c1)\]and the inverse SBT (iSBT) gives
\[f(r) = \sqrt{2\over\pi} \int_0^\infty j_l(kr) g(k) k^2 dk (c2)\]- run(ff, l: int = 0, direction: int = 1, norm: bool = False, np_in: int = 0, return_rr: bool = False, include_zero: bool = False)[source]#
Perform SBT or inverse-SBT.
- Input parapeters:
ff: the function defined on the logarithmic radial grid l: the “l” as in the underscript of “j_l(kr)” of Eq. (c1) and (c2) direction: 1 for forward SBT and -1 for inverse SBT norm: whether to multiply the prefactor sqrt{2overpi} in Eq. (c1) and
(c2). If False, then subsequent applicaton of SBT and iSBT will yield the original data scaled by a factor of 2/pi.
- np_in: the asymptotic bahavior of ff when r -> 0
ff(r o 0) pprox r^{np_in + l}
- include_zero: the SBT does not include the k = 0, i.e.
self.kk.min() != 0, term by default.
- run_int(ff, l: int = 0, direction: int = 1, norm: bool = False, return_rr: bool = False, include_zero: bool = False)[source]#
Perform SBT or inverse-SBT by numerically integrating Eq. (c1) and (c2). Input parapeters: ff: the function defined on the logarithmic radial grid l: the “l” as in the underscript of “j_l(kr)” of Eq. (c1) and (c2) direction: 1 for forward SBT and -1 for inverse SBT norm: whether to multiply the prefactor sqrt{2overpi} in Eq. (c1) and (c2). If False, then subsequent applicaton of SBT and iSBT will yield the original data scaled by a factor of 2/pi. include_zero: the SBT does not include the k = 0, i.e. self.kk.min() != 0, term by default.
- jrystal.sbt.sbt(r_grid: Float[Array, 'num_r'], f_grid: Float[Array, 'num_r'], l: int = 0, kmax: float = 100, norm: bool = False) Tuple[Float[Array, 'num_r'], Float[Array, 'num_r']] [source]#
Spherical Bessel Transform.
- ..math::
g(k) = int_0^infty f(r) j_l(r) r^2 dr
This function is a wrapper of pysbt. It is not differentiable.
- Parameters:
r_grid (Float[Array, "num_r"]) – the r grid corresponding to the function.
f_grid (Float[Array, "num_r"]) – the function values.
l (int, optional) – Angular momentum. Defaults to 0.
kmax (float, optional) – Maximum k value. Defaults to 100.
norm (bool, optional) – Whether to normalize the output. Defaults to False.
- Returns:
- A tuple of (k_grid,
transformed_f_grid). k_grid is a 1d-array, and transformed_f_grid is the transformed function values.
- Return type:
Tuple[Float[Array, “num_r”], Float[Array, “num_r”]]