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import numpy as np
from scipy.special import gamma, spherical_jn
from scipy.fft import ifft, rfft, irfft
# usefull constants
PI = np.pi
TPI = 2.0 * np.pi
II = 1.0j
class pyNumSBT(object):
Numerically perform spherical Bessel transform (SBT) in :math:`O(Nln(N))` time based
on the algorithm proposed by J. Talman.
Talman, J. Computer Physics Communications 2009, 180, 332-338.
For a function "f(r)" defined numerically on a LOGARITHMIC radial grid "r",
the SBT for the function gives
.. math::
g(k) = \sqrt{2\over\pi} \int_0^\infty j_l(kr) f(r) r^2 dr (c1)
and the inverse SBT (iSBT) gives
.. math::
f(r) = \sqrt{2\over\pi} \int_0^\infty j_l(kr) g(k) k^2 dk (c2)
def __init__(self, rr, kmax: float = 500, lmax: int = 10):
self.rr = np.asarray(rr, dtype=float)
# the real-space logarithmic radial grid
self.nr = self.rr.size # No. of grid points
self.nr2 = 2 * self.nr
self.sbt_init(rr, kmax)
self.lmax = lmax
def sbt_init(self, rr, kmax: float):
Initialize the real-space grid (rr) and momentum-space grid (kk).
.. math::
\rho = \ln(rr)
\kappa = \ln(kk)
The algorithm by Talman requries
.. math::
\Delta\kappa = \Delta\rho
self.r_min = rr[0]
self.r_max = rr[-1]
self.rho_min = np.log(self.r_min)
self.rho_max = np.log(self.r_max)
# \Delta\rho = \ln(rr[1] - rr[0])
self.drho = (self.rho_max - self.rho_min) / (self.nr - 1)
self.kappa_max = np.log(kmax)
self.kappa_min = self.kappa_max - (self.rho_max - self.rho_min)
# the reciprocal-space (momentum-space) logarithmic grid
self.kk = np.exp(self.kappa_min) * np.exp(np.arange(self.nr) * self.drho)
self.k_min = self.kk[0]
self.k_max = self.kk[-1]
self.rr3 = self.rr**3
self.kk3 = self.kk**3
# r values for the extended mesh as discussed in Sec.4 of Talman paper.
self.rr_ext = self.r_min * np.exp(np.arange(-self.nr, 0) * self.drho)
# the multiply factor as in Talman paper after Eq.(32)
self.rr15 = np.zeros((2, self.nr), dtype=float)
self.rr15[0] = self.rr_ext**1.5 / self.r_min**1.5 # the extended r-mesh
self.rr15[1] = self.rr**1.5 / self.r_min**1.5 # the normal r-mesh
# \Delta\rho \times \Delta t = \frac{2\pi}{N}
# as in Talman paper after Eq.(30), where N = 2 * nr as discussed in
# Sec. 4
self.dt = TPI / (self.nr2 * self.drho)
# the post-division factor (1 / k^1.5) as in Eq. (32) of Talman paper.
# Note that the factor is (1 / r^1.5) for inverse-SBT, as a result, we
# omit the r_min^1.5 / k_min^1.5 here.
self.post_div_fac = np.exp(-np.arange(self.nr) * self.drho * 1.5)
# Simpson integration of a function on the logarithmic radial grid.
# Setup weights for simpson integration on radial grid any radial integral
# can then be evaluated by just summing all radial grid points with the
# weights SI
# \int dr = \sum_i w(i) * f(i)
self.simp_wht_rr = np.zeros_like(self.rr)
self.simp_wht_kk = np.zeros_like(self.kk)
for ii in range(self.nr - 1, 1, -2):
self.simp_wht_rr[ii] = self.drho * self.rr[ii] / 3. \
+ self.simp_wht_rr[ii]
self.simp_wht_rr[ii - 1] = self.drho * self.rr[ii - 1] * 4. / 3.
self.simp_wht_rr[ii - 2] = self.drho * self.rr[ii - 2] / 3.
self.simp_wht_kk[ii] = self.drho * self.kk[ii] / 3. + self.simp_wht_kk[ii]
self.simp_wht_kk[ii - 1] = self.drho * self.kk[ii - 1] * 4. / 3.
self.simp_wht_kk[ii - 2] = self.drho * self.kk[ii - 2] / 3.
def sbt_mltb(self, lmax_in: int):
construct the M_l(t) table according to Eq. (15), (16) and (24) of
Talman paper.
Note that Talman paper use Stirling's approximaton to evaluate the Gamma
function, whereas I just call scipy.special.gamma here.
if lmax_in > self.lmax:
lmax = lmax_in
self.lmax = lmax
lmax = self.lmax
tt = np.arange(self.nr) * self.dt
# M_lt1 is quantity defined by Eq. (12)
self.M_lt1 = np.zeros((lmax + 1, self.nr), dtype=complex)
# Eq. (15) in Talman paper
# self.M_lt1[0]=gamma(0.5 - II*tt) * np.sin(0.5*PI*(0.5 - II*tt)) / self.nr
# Eq. (19) and Eq. (15) in Talman paper are equivalent, while the former
# is more stable for larger tt
self.M_lt1[0] = np.sqrt(np.pi / 2) * np.exp(
II * (
np.log(gamma(0.5 - II * tt)).imag
# + np.log(np.sin(0.5*PI*(0.5 - II*tt))).imag
- np.arctan(np.tanh(PI * tt / 2))
) / self.nr
self.M_lt1[0, 0] /= 2.0
self.M_lt1[0] *= np.exp(II * tt * (self.kappa_min + self.rho_min))
# Eq. (16) in Talman paper
phi = np.arctan(np.tanh(PI * tt / 2)) - np.arctan(2 * tt)
self.M_lt1[1] = self.M_lt1[0] * np.exp(2 * II * phi)
# Eq. (24) in Talman paper
for ll in range(1, lmax):
phi_l = np.arctan(2 * tt / (2 * ll + 1))
self.M_lt1[ll + 1] = np.exp(-2 * II * phi_l) * self.M_lt1[ll - 1]
ll = np.arange(lmax + 1)
# Eq. (35) in Talman paper
xx = np.exp(self.rho_min + self.kappa_min + np.arange(self.nr2) * self.drho)
# M_lt2 is just the Fourier transform of spherical Bessel function j_l
self.M_lt2 = ifft(
spherical_jn(ll[:, None], xx[None, :]), axis=1
).conj()[:, :self.nr + 1]
def run(
l: int = 0,
direction: int = 1,
norm: bool = False,
np_in: int = 0,
return_rr: bool = False,
include_zero: bool = False,
Perform SBT or inverse-SBT.
Input parapeters:
ff: the function defined on the logarithmic radial grid
l: the "l" as in the underscript of "j_l(kr)" of Eq. (c1) and (c2)
direction: 1 for forward SBT and -1 for inverse SBT
norm: whether to multiply the prefactor \sqrt{2\over\pi} in Eq. (c1) and
(c2). If False, then subsequent applicaton of SBT and iSBT will yield
the original data scaled by a factor of 2/pi.
np_in: the asymptotic bahavior of ff when r -> 0
ff(r\to 0) \approx r^{np_in + l}
include_zero: the SBT does not include the k = 0, i.e.
self.kk.min() != 0, term by default.
assert l <= self.lmax, \
"lmax = {} smaller than l = {}! Increase lmax!".format(self.lmax, l)
ff = np.asarray(ff, dtype=float)
gg = np.zeros_like(ff)
r2c_in = np.zeros(self.nr2, dtype=float)
r2c_out = np.zeros(self.nr + 1, dtype=complex)
c2r_in = np.zeros(self.nr + 1, dtype=complex)
c2r_out = np.zeros(self.nr2, dtype=float)
# The prefactor as in Eq. (c1) and (c2) of the Class docstring.
sqrt_2_over_pi = np.sqrt(2 / PI) if norm else 1.0
if direction == 1:
rmin = self.r_min
kmin = self.k_min
C = ff[0] / self.r_min**(np_in + l)
elif direction == -1:
rmin = self.k_min
kmin = self.r_min
C = ff[0] / self.k_min**(np_in + l)
raise ValueError("Use direction=1/-1 for forward- and inverse-SBT!")
# SBT for LARGE k values extend the input to the doubled mesh,
# extrapolating the input as C r^(np_in + l)
# Step 1 in the procedure after Eq. (32) of Talman paper
r2c_in[:self.nr] = C * self.rr_ext**(np_in + l) * self.rr15[0]
r2c_in[self.nr:] = ff * self.rr15[1]
# Step 2 in the procedure after Eq. (32) of Talman paper
r2c_out = rfft(r2c_in)
# Step 3 in the procedure after Eq. (32) of Talman paper
tmp1 = np.zeros(self.nr2, dtype=complex)
tmp1[:self.nr] = r2c_out[:self.nr].conj() * self.M_lt1[l]
# Step 4 and 5 in the procedure after Eq. (32) of Talman paper
tmp2 = ifft(tmp1) * self.nr2
gg = (rmin /
kmin)**1.5 * tmp2[self.nr:].real * self.post_div_fac * sqrt_2_over_pi
# obtain the SMALL k results in the array c2r_out
if direction == 1:
r2c_in[:self.nr] = self.rr3 * ff
r2c_in[:self.nr] = self.kk3 * ff
r2c_in[self.nr:] = 0.0
r2c_out = rfft(r2c_in)
c2r_in = r2c_out.conj() * self.M_lt2[l] * sqrt_2_over_pi
c2r_out = irfft(c2r_in) * self.nr2
c2r_out[:self.nr] *= self.drho
# compare the minimum difference between large and small k as described
# in the paragraph above Eq. (39) of Talman paper.
gdiff = np.abs(gg - c2r_out[:self.nr])
minloc = np.argmin(gdiff)
gg[:minloc + 1] = c2r_out[:minloc + 1]
# include k = 0 in the SBT and r = 0 in the i-SBT.
if include_zero:
if direction == 1:
gg0 = sqrt_2_over_pi * spherical_jn(l, 0) * np.sum(
self.simp_wht_rr * self.rr**2 * ff
gg0 = sqrt_2_over_pi * spherical_jn(l, 0) * np.sum(
self.simp_wht_kk * self.kk**2 * ff
if return_rr:
if direction == 1:
return (np.r_[0,
self.kk], np.r_[gg0,
gg]) if include_zero else (self.kk, gg)
return (np.r_[0,
self.rr], np.r_[gg0,
gg]) if include_zero else (self.rr, gg)
return np.r_[gg0, gg] if include_zero else gg
def run_int(
l: int = 0,
direction: int = 1,
norm: bool = False,
return_rr: bool = False,
include_zero: bool = False,
Perform SBT or inverse-SBT by numerically integrating Eq. (c1) and (c2).
Input parapeters:
ff: the function defined on the logarithmic radial grid
l: the "l" as in the underscript of "j_l(kr)" of Eq. (c1) and (c2)
direction: 1 for forward SBT and -1 for inverse SBT
norm: whether to multiply the prefactor \sqrt{2\over\pi} in Eq. (c1)
and (c2). If False, then subsequent applicaton of SBT and iSBT will
yield the original data scaled by a factor of 2/pi.
include_zero: the SBT does not include the k = 0, i.e. self.kk.min() !=
0, term by default.
kr = self.rr[:, None] * self.kk[None, :]
jl_kr = spherical_jn(l, kr)
ff = np.asarray(ff, dtype=float)
# The prefactor as in Eq. (c1) and (c2) of the Class docstring.
sqrt_2_over_pi = np.sqrt(2 / PI) if norm else 1.0
if direction == 1:
gg = sqrt_2_over_pi * np.sum(
jl_kr * (self.rr**2 * ff * self.simp_wht_rr)[:, None], axis=0
# include k = 0 in the SBT and r = 0 in the i-SBT.
if include_zero:
gg0 = sqrt_2_over_pi * spherical_jn(l, 0) * np.sum(
self.simp_wht_rr * self.rr**2 * ff
elif direction == -1:
gg = sqrt_2_over_pi * np.sum(
jl_kr * (self.kk**2 * ff * self.simp_wht_kk)[None, :], axis=1
# include k = 0 in the SBT and r = 0 in the i-SBT.
if include_zero:
gg0 = sqrt_2_over_pi * spherical_jn(l, 0) * np.sum(
self.simp_wht_kk * self.kk**2 * ff
raise ValueError("Use direction=1/-1 for forward- and inverse-SBT!")
if return_rr:
if direction == 1:
return (np.r_[0,
self.kk], np.r_[gg0,
gg]) if include_zero else (self.kk, gg)
return (np.r_[0,
self.rr], np.r_[gg0,
gg]) if include_zero else (self.rr, gg)
return np.r_[gg0, gg] if include_zero else gg