
Grid operations for crystalline systems.

This module provides functions for working with real and reciprocal space grids in crystalline systems. It includes utilities for:

  • Generating G-vectors and R-vectors

  • \(k\)-point sampling for Brillouin zone integration

  • Frequency space operations and masks

  • Grid transformations between real and reciprocal space

jrystal.grid.cubic_mask(grid_sizes: List | Array) Bool[Array, 'x y z'][source]#

Create a cubic mask for frequency components in reciprocal space.

Generates a mask that enables only certain frequency components in a cubic region of reciprocal space. This is particularly useful when dealing with electron density (\(\rho\)), which contains more frequency components than the wavefunction (\(\psi\)) since \(\rho = |\psi|^2\).

The mask is constructed by considering the frequency mixing that occurs when squaring the wavefunction, ensuring all relevant frequency components are included.


grid_sizes (Union[List, jax.Array]) – Grid dimensions in reciprocal space.


A boolean array of shape (*grid_sizes) where True indicates allowed frequency components in the cubic mask.

Return type:

Bool[Array, ‘x y z’]

jrystal.grid.estimate_max_cutoff_energy(cell_vectors: Float[Array, '3 3'], mask: Bool[Array, 'x y z']) float[source]#

Estimate the maximum cutoff energy corresponding to a frequency mask.

Given a boolean mask in reciprocal space, calculates the maximum kinetic energy of the G-vectors that are included in the mask. This is useful for determining the effective energy cutoff of a given frequency mask, particularly when using non-spherical masks.

  • cell_vectors (Float[Array, '3 3']) – Real space lattice vectors of the unit cell. A (3,3) matrix where each row is a lattice vector.

  • mask (Bool[Array, 'x y z']) – Boolean mask indicating which G-vectors are included.


The maximum kinetic energy (in the same units as the reciprocal lattice vectors) of any G-vector included in the mask.

Return type:


jrystal.grid.g2cell_vectors(g_vector_grid: Float[Array, 'x y z 3']) Float[Array, '3 3'][source]#

Compute real space cell vectors from a G-vector grid.

Determines the real space lattice vectors by solving a linear system that relates the G-vector grid to the standard reciprocal space basis. This is useful when only the G-vectors are known and the corresponding real space cell vectors are needed.


g_vector_grid (Float[Array, 'x y z 3']) – Grid of G-vectors in reciprocal space.


Real space lattice vectors as a (3,3) matrix where each row is a lattice vector.

Return type:

Float[Array, ‘3 3’]

jrystal.grid.g2r_vector_grid(g_vector_grid: Float[Array, 'x y z 3'], cell_vectors: Float[Array, '3 3'] | None = None) Float[Array, 'x y z 3'][source]#

Transform a G-vector grid to the corresponding R-vector grid.

Converts a grid of vectors in reciprocal space (G-vectors) to the corresponding grid in real space (R-vectors). If cell vectors are not provided, they are computed from the G-vector grid.

This transformation is useful when switching between reciprocal and real space representations of crystal quantities.

  • g_vector_grid (Float[Array, 'x y z 3']) – Grid of G-vectors in reciprocal space.

  • cell_vectors (Optional[Float[Array, '3 3']], optional) – Real space lattice vectors. If None, they will be computed from the G-vector grid. Defaults to None.


Grid of R-vectors in real space with the same shape as the input.

Return type:

Float[Array, ‘x y z 3’]

jrystal.grid.g_vectors(cell_vectors: Float[Array, '3 3'], grid_sizes: Tuple | List | Int[Array, 'd']) Float[Array, 'x y z 3'][source]#

Generate G-vectors (reciprocal space vectors) for a given crystal cell.

Given the real space lattice vectors of a unit cell, computes the G-vectors in reciprocal space on a discrete grid. The G-vectors are fundamental for plane-wave calculations and Fourier transforms in periodic systems.

The G-vectors are defined as:

\[G_{ijk} = i\mathbf{b}_1 + j\mathbf{b}_2 + k\mathbf{b}_3\]

where \(\mathbf{b}_i\) are the reciprocal lattice vectors and \(i,j,k \in [0, n_i-1]\) for grid sizes \(n_i\).

  • cell_vectors (Float[Array, '3 3']) – Real space lattice vectors of the unit cell. A (3,3) matrix where each row is a lattice vector.

  • grid_sizes (Union[Tuple, List, Int[Array, 'd']]) – Number of grid points along each axis.


A tensor with shape (*grid_sizes, 3) containing the G-vectors.

Return type:

Float[Array, ‘x y z 3’]

jrystal.grid.grid_vector_radius(grid_vector: Float[Array, 'x y z 3'])[source]#

Calculate the magnitude (radius) of vectors at each grid point.

Computes the Euclidean norm of vectors at each point in a grid. The function is vectorized to efficiently handle arbitrary grid shapes.


grid_vector (Float[Array, 'x y z 3']) – Array of vectors where the last dimension contains the vector components, and earlier dimensions are grid dimensions or batch dimensions.


Array of vector magnitudes with shape matching all but the last dimension of the input.

Return type:

Float[Array, ‘x y z’]

jrystal.grid.k_vectors(cell_vectors: Float[Array, '3 3'], grid_sizes: Tuple | List | Int[Array, '3']) Float[Array, 'kpt 3'][source]#

Generate k-vectors for Brillouin zone sampling.

Creates a uniform grid of \(k\)-points in reciprocal space using the Monkhorst-Pack scheme. This sampling is essential for integrating periodic functions over the Brillouin zone in electronic structure calculations.


This function is not differentiable as it uses monkhorst_pack from ase. In future, we will implement a custom differentiable version.

  • cell_vectors (Float[Array, '3 3']) – Real space lattice vectors of the unit cell. A (3,3) matrix where each row is a lattice vector.

  • grid_sizes (Union[Tuple, List, Int[Array, '3']]) – Number of \(k\)-points along each reciprocal lattice vector direction.


An array of shape (\(n\), 3) containing k-vectors, where \(n\) is the total number of \(k\)-points (product of grid_sizes).

Return type:

Float[Array, ‘kpt 3’]

jrystal.grid.proper_grid_size(grid_sizes: Int | Int[Array, 'd'] | Tuple | List) Array[source]#

Optimize grid sizes for efficient FFT operations.

Converts input grid dimensions to values that are well-suited for FFT computations by factoring them into products of small primes (2, 3, 5, 7). This optimization can significantly improve FFT performance.


grid_sizes (Union[Int, Int[Array, 'd'], Tuple, List]) – Input grid dimensions. Can be: - A single integer (same size for all dimensions) - A sequence of integers (size for each dimension) - A numpy array of integers


A numpy array containing the optimized grid sizes.

Return type:



TypeError – If grid_sizes is not a valid numeric type.

jrystal.grid.r2g_vector_grid(r_vector_grid: Float[Array, 'x y z 3'], cell_vectors: Float[Array, '3 3'] | None = None) Float[Array, 'x y z 3'][source]#

Transform an R-vector grid to the corresponding G-vector grid.

Converts a grid of vectors in real space (R-vectors) to the corresponding grid in reciprocal space (G-vectors). This is the inverse operation of g2r_vector_grid.

  • r_vector_grid (Float[Array, 'x y z 3']) – Grid of R-vectors in real space.

  • cell_vectors (Float[Array, '3 3']) – Real space lattice vectors.


Grid of G-vectors in reciprocal space with the same shape as the input.

Return type:

Float[Array, ‘x y z 3’]

jrystal.grid.r_vectors(cell_vectors: Float[Array, '3 3'], grid_sizes: Tuple | List | Int[Array, '3']) Float[Array, 'x y z 3'][source]#

Generate R-vectors (real space position vectors) for a given crystal cell.

Given the real space lattice vectors of a unit cell, computes the position vectors R on a discrete grid within the unit cell. These vectors define the sampling points where real-space quantities (like electron density) are evaluated.

The R-vectors are defined as:

\[R_{ijk} = \frac{i}{n_x}\mathbf{a}_1 + \frac{j}{n_y}\mathbf{a}_2 + \frac{k}{n_z}\mathbf{a}_3\]

where \(\mathbf{a}_i\) are the real space lattice vectors and \(i,j,k \in [0, n_i-1]\) for grid sizes \(n_i\).

  • cell_vectors (Float[Array, '3 3']) – Real space lattice vectors of the unit cell. A (3,3) matrix where each row is a lattice vector.

  • grid_sizes (Union[Tuple, List, Int[Array, '3']]) – Number of grid points along each axis.


A tensor with shape (*grid_sizes, 3) containing the R-vectors.

Return type:

Float[Array, ‘x y z 3’]

jrystal.grid.spherical_mask(cell_vectors: Float[Array, '3 3'], grid_sizes: List | Array, cutoff_energy: float) Bool[Array, 'x y z'][source]#

Create a spherical mask for frequency cutoff in reciprocal space.

Generates a boolean mask that selects G-vectors satisfying the energy cutoff condition:

\[\frac{\|G\|^2}{2} \leq E_\text{cutoff}\]

This mask is commonly used in plane-wave calculations to limit the basis set size while maintaining accuracy. G-vectors with kinetic energy above the cutoff are excluded.

  • cell_vectors (Float[Array, '3 3']) – Real space lattice vectors of the unit cell. A (3,3) matrix where each row is a lattice vector.

  • grid_sizes (Union[List, jax.Array]) – Grid dimensions in reciprocal space.

  • cutoff_energy – Energy cutoff for the G-vectors.


A boolean array of shape (*grid_sizes) where True indicates G-vectors within the energy cutoff sphere.

Return type:

Bool[Array, ‘x y z’]

jrystal.grid.translation_vectors(cell_vectors: Float[Array, '3 3'], cutoff: Float[Array, '3'] | float = 10000.0) Float[Array, 'num 3'][source]#

Generate translation vectors for Ewald summation.

Creates a grid of translation vectors used in Ewald summation methods for computing long-range interactions in periodic systems. The grid extends to a distance determined by the cutoff parameter.

  • cell_vectors (Float[Array, '3 3']) – Real space lattice vectors of the unit cell. A (3,3) matrix where each row is a lattice vector.

  • cutoff (Union[Float[Array, '3'], float]) – Real space cutoff distance. Larger values give more precise Ewald summation results but increase computational cost. Default is 1e4.


An array of shape (\(n\), 3) containing translation vectors, where \(n\) is determined by the cutoff distance.

Return type:

Float[Array, ‘num 3’]